Channel: Hannah Honeyman, Author at Westport KCMO
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Request for Proposals


JUNE 10, 2024


General Information

The Westport Community Improvement District II is seeking proposals from qualified firms of certified public accountants to audit its financial statements for the fiscal year ended April 30, 2024, with the option to audit its financial statements for two additional one year terms. These audits are to be performed in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and the standards set forth for Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States.


There is no expressed or implied obligation for the Westport Community Improvement District II to reimburse the responding firms for any expenses incurred in preparing proposals in response to this request.


All proposals submitted hereunder become the exclusive property of the Westport Community Improvement District II. All proposals received are subject to applicable sunshine laws.


All proposals should be for one year AND three year terms. Based on the contents of the proposal, the Westport Community Improvement District II will have the option as to  whether to offer a one year or three year contract for the desired services.


To be considered, one electronic copy AND one hardcopy of the proposal must be received by 2:00pm on Monday, July 15, 2024. Electronic copies of the proposal must be sent to kim@wrbl.org with the subject line of “Westport CID Audit Proposal”. Hard copy proposals must be addressed and delivered to Executive Director, Westport Community Improvement District II, 4050 Pennsylvania Avenue – Suite M100, Kansas City, Missouri 64111.


All proposals must include a fixed fee cost for both the one-year audit and the three year audit engagement. Fixed fee costs are defined to include all audit work including travel, preparation of financial statements, printing and binding, and attendance at all related meetings with District officials as needed to prepare and present the audited financial statements. Any additional fees beyond the fixed fee(s) included in the proposal must be discussed and approved in writing prior to performance of any additional procedures.


The Board of Directors for the Westport Community Improvement District II will evaluate the proposals submitted. As a result of that review, the Westport Community Improvement District II reserves the right to request additional information or clarification from any or all proposers, to allow corrections to errors or omissions, or to withdraw this solicitation and reject all proposals. At the sole discretion of the Westport Community Improvement District II, firms submitting proposals may be requested to make in-person presentations as a part of the evaluation process.


It is anticipated that the selection of a firm for the desired services will be completed by July 31, 2024. Following the notification of the selected firm, it is expected that a contract will be executed between the parties by August 20, 2024.



Scope of Work to be Performed

The Westport Community Improvement District II desires the selected auditor to express an opinion on the fair presentation of its financial statements in relation to its governmental activities in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.


The auditor shall be responsible for performing certain limited procedures involving required supplementary information required by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board as mandated by generally accepted auditing standards.


Reports to be Issued by the Auditor following completion of the Audit of the Fiscal Year’s Financial Statements

  • A report on the fair presentation of the financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.


  • A report on compliance and internal control over financial reporting based on an audit of the financial statements. As a part of this report, the auditor shall communicate any significant deficiency or material weakness found during the audit.


Control deficiencies and material instances of noncompliance discovered by auditors that are neither significant deficiencies nor material weaknesses shall be reported in a separate letter to management, which shall be referred to in the report on compliance and internal controls.


  • All working papers and reports must be retained, at the auditor’s expense, for a minimum of three (3) years. The auditor will be required to make working papers available, upon request, to the following parties or their designees:
  1. Westport Community Improvement District II
  2. Parties designated by the state government.


Background Information

The Westport Community Improvement District was formed in 2003 as a political subdivision in accordance with the Petition to Establish the Westport Community Improvement District II in accordance with Sections 67.1401 through 67.1571, RSMo, otherwise known as the Missouri Community Improvement District Act and is transacting business and exercising the powers granted by the Act. It serves an area of approximately 12 City blocks and has a resident population of approximately 600. The Westport Community Improvement District II contracts with the non-profit Westport Regional Business League for the administration and management of its programs and processes.


Services provided by the Westport Community Improvement District II for the benefit of the District include Maintenance & Beautification of Public Spaces, Marketing, Streetscape Improvements, Parking Management, Planning, Special Events, and Security. The accounting system is maintained on an accrual basis via QuickBooks by a local CPA firm employed by the District for that purpose. The Missouri Department of Revenue collects $0.01 sales and/or use taxes on all purchases of products occurring in the District and distributes the proceeds monthly to the Westport Community Improvement District II. The Westport Community Improvement District II has no employees. Traditionally, fewer than two dozen disbursement checks per year are issued by the Westport Community Improvement District II.


Proposal Format Expected

  1. Firm name, address, and contact information (email and phone number)
  2. Firm qualifications
  3. List of similar governmental audits
  4. Resumes for staff anticipated to be completing fieldwork
  5. Fixed Fee(s) for the desired services


For consideration to be given to any proposal submitted pursuant to this RFP, one electronic copy AND one hardcopy of the proposal must be received by 2:00pm on Monday, July 15, 2024. Electronic copies of the proposal must be sent to kim@wrbl.org with the subject line of “Westport CID Audit Proposal”. Hard copy proposals must be delivered to Executive Director, Westport Community Improvement District II, 4050 Pennsylvania Avenue – Suite M100, Kansas City, Missouri 64111.


No faxed or late proposals will be accepted. The Westport Community Improvement District II will not be responsible for proposals placed in the mail which do not arrive by the deadline. Hard copy proposals received before the time of opening will be kept unopened by the Office Manager. All questions related to this proposal should be directed to the Executive Director via kim@wrbl.org or 816-531-4370.


Criteria for Selection

All proposals submitted will be evaluated using the following criteria:

  1. Compliance with the RFP
  2. Independence
  3. License to Practice in Missouri
  4. Qualifications and relevant experience of firm and personnel assigned
  5. Understanding of the services to be provided
  6. Specific audit approach
  7. Ability to meet the desired schedule
  8. Cost


Desired Schedule

  • RFP Issued June 10, 2024
  • RFP Responses Due (2:00pm) July 15, 2024
  • Selected Firm Notified July 31, 2024
  • Contract Executed August 15, 2024
  • Audit Field Work August/September
  • Draft Report To Management                                     October 1, 2024
  • Final Report & Presentation to Board of Directors October 15, 2024



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